How to Mindfully Shop The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

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For a lot of people, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is the one time each year where their fashion desires are met.

Brands become more attainable as prices decrease across categories, dopamine peaks as credit cards take a hit, and hauls are more affordable and seem less guilt-induced because, well, everything is discounted! 

On the flip side, bloggers, influencers, and creators look at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale as christmas. During its almost three week run, affiliate income generated can make up an entire year’s salary making it really really worth it. 

The problem is, during a time when it’s hard to really afford anything, why are shoppers so quick to fill up their baskets with stuff they likely don’t need?

shopping online

Shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Without The Guilt

Now I’m not here to shame anyone or tell you not to buy clothes, what I am here to tell you is not to over consume.

You can shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale in a meaningful way, choose only what you need, stay on budget, and not totally ruin the months to come with a maxed out credit card. 

New things are nice, shopping is fun, upgrading your wardrobe is a wonderful luxury that makes us feel both beautiful and confident. So why not shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale mindfully?

If you have a scarcity mindset when shopping these tips will help reduce that anxiety by keeping things within your means.  

5 Tips to Use When Shopping The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

Here are 5 simple steps to guide you and prevent over consumption when shopping the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.

  1. Make a Comprehensive Wishlist: List items you need or want from both sales.

This is important to do early so you can remove, refine, and ultimately reduce what you actually buy the day of.

When you see everything for the first time you’re likely to be excited and impulse shop. Creating a wish list allows your items to age a bit, giving you a clearer idea of what you actually need.

  1. Set a Combined Budget: Allocate your budget wisely.

You’ll likely want to start shopping for fall fashion in September. So don’t blow your budget now and regret it later.

Allocate your budget to different categories and have an overall idea of where you want to put your dollars. For example, fashion could make up 50%, home 20%, and beauty 30%.

  1. Use Sale Previews and Early Access: Plan and prioritize your purchases.

PLAN PLAN PLAN. Planning never disappoints, no matter what. Planning cuts down on overspending, and you’ll know exactly what you need versus what you want.

When shopping the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale go into it with a clear list and don’t buy anything that isn’t on the list! If you absolutely have to, swap it for something else on the list.

  1. Focus on High-Value Items: Invest in items that offer significant savings.

If you’re thinking about buying a high value item like a vacuum robot ( I just got one and it’s amazing) now is the time as these savings make a difference, and it’s something useful for your everyday life.

The first 3 tips should help you figure out what you really need versus want.

  1. Stay Organized: Keep track of your purchases and remaining budget. 

This is an easy one unless you make multiple orders. Track what you spend on these sales throughout the sale days, so if you happen to shop a few times you know how much you’ve spent.

Shopping should be fun, so don’t stress about feeling like you have rules associated with something you typically enjoy.

That takes the fun out of it, and will likely backfire down the road when you need that unsatisfied dopamine hit.

The point of shopping the biggest fashion sale of the year mindfully is to reduce your overconsumption, and leave you with pieces you really truly love and don’t feel you need to replace months later.  

Focus on Specific Categories

I’ll leave you with a list of categories to focus on while Nordstrom Anniversary Sale where you’ll get the most out of your shopping wish list. 

  1. Beauty Products: Exclusive sets and new arrivals.
  2. Designer Pieces: Get luxury items at a fraction of the price, this is a great category to invest in.
  3. Wardrobe Staples: Think jeans, jackets, and quality basics. Always a good idea to upgrade any that have seen better days.
  4. Home Goods: Upgrade your home with discounted decor and appliances, because your home should be your sanctuary.

If you’ve gotten this far and are looking to reduce your wardrobe to include only items you really love, check out the library of capsule wardrobe posts to help guide you.

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