Are you interested in learning how to build a capsule wardrobe but need a little inspiration to take the first step? Or have you read article after article on how to build a capsule wardrobe but are either still hesitant or overwhelmed? Well, this post is for you! Here are 5 real tips for how to build a capsule wardrobe that won’t leave you overwhelmed or discouraged.
First off I want to say that building a capsule wardrobe is part of a lifestyle that’s grown in popularity over the years thanks to a select few bloggers, and one fashion designer in London. Evidentially, a large group of the population reached a point where they had enough of aimless consumerism, and decided to jump on the minimalism bandwagon and create their own unique capsule wardrobe. But with that shift came a lot of rules, how-tos and restrictions.
I want to differentiate this post from the others by highlighting that these are tips to be used as a guide only, and you should always customize them to your preferences and lifestyle. You don’t have to follow every tip or step word for word with no wiggle room, that wouldn’t be sustainable or feel good. And that’s the opposite of what we want to achieve. That’s why you will never see a post on this blog that says you ‘have’ to have something or you ‘need’ this or ‘need’ to do this. I will help guide you, so you can create your own capsule wardrobe to your specifications.
Are Capsule Wardrobes Realistic
The first real tip is clarity. Yes a capsule wardrobe is realistic and over time helps you realize what you don’t need. The term capsule wardrobe can seem a bit overused, but the reason behind the idea is legitimate. They’re meant to simplify your wardrobe by creating a small collection of versatile and well made pieces that you love. Most wardrobes are filled with clothing that never gets looked at, or used. Unknowingly, this creates stuffiness in our homes, our minds, and our lifestyle. If you carefully got rid of these items, and only kept what you used there would be much more room for things you enjoy. Like listening to a podcast in the morning instead of standing in front of your closet wondering what to wear.
Remember that a capsule wardrobe is realistic when you customize it for your life, don’t try to fit into a certain number of items that you see suggested. Make it work for you and you’ll slowly start to see what you don’t need in your life while you slowly begin to declutter and minimize.
RELATED: Minimalist Closet: 10 Important Things to Know Before Decluttering

Do Capsule Wardrobes Work
The second real tip for how to build a capsule wardrobe to uncover your why. Yes capsule wardrobes do work, and the real reason they do is because there’s usually an underlying reason for building one. People are now creating a capsule wardrobe that’s so large it begins to enter the not-so-capsule-wardrobe wardrobe territory, and that’s because they don’t have an actual meaningful reason to create one.
So take some time to think about your why. Why are you creating one? What is the reason for wanting to better your life? Why are you striving to have less? What benefit will this small wardrobe give you? I like to think of your why as a component of the new way to create a capsule wardrobe or a minimalist wardrobe, it’s not a physical action item and is often missed, but is vital.
RELATED: How to Create a Minimalist Wardrobe: The New Way
Where to Buy Capsule Wardrobe Pieces
The third real tip for how to build a capsule wardrobe is an ode to minimalism. Another great benefit to building a capsule wardrobe is being able to really narrow down where you shop, what brands you support, and what styles you buy. When limiting your wardrobe and shopping habits it actually becomes more clear where you really like to shop and spend your money and on what. So create a list of brands and styles you like to shop and wear, this makes things so much easier and you’ll begin to see what serves you and what doesn’t. It’s like having too many options on a menu, if you only have a select few favourite places to shop on your list it reduces decision fatigue and creates a fluid wardrobe.
I personally love to shop at Encircled, you can use code EMMA10 for 10% off. They are home to the most comfortable and well made basics that can go from day to night, and even into the office.
How Many Items in a Capsule Wardrobe
The fourth real tip for how to build a capsule wardrobe is customization. Customize your capsule wardrobe for you and you only, like I said use how-tos as a guide but ultimately make it your own. The amount of items in a capsule wardrobe totally depends on your lifestyle and the type of climate you live in, if you work in a business casual environment you’ll need more pieces since you likely won’t be wearing workwear on the weekends, or out for dinners and drinks with friends. If it rains a lot where you are, you’ll need a nice selection of jackets, or if it gets cold at night and is hot during the day you’ll need layering options. You get the point.
I have created a thorough capsule wardrobe guide for work that takes you through everything, and includes a free downloadable checklist.
RELATED: The Ultimate Work Capsule Wardrobe Guide for Women
How to Have a Capsule Wardrobe
The fifth and final real tip for how to build a capsule wardrobe is honouring your peace of mind. Creating a wardrobe that’s simple, more organized, and less cluttered gives us peace of mind apart from so many other things like the ability to save more money, time to enjoy the small things like reading or cooking, less decision fatigue, accepting what you have as good enough, to pinpoint what suits you, what to avoid, and to diminish overwhelm.
This last tip is important for how to build a capsule wardrobe because we often forget to think about our mental health when we create these lifestyle changes. Building a capsule wardrobe is often a difficult process for a lot of people, so while you’re going through the motions remember to honour your peace of mind. If you’re not feeling good about it, take a break and come back to it later. Just don’t force or push things, that’s not sustainable or good for anyone.

How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe
If you need guidance on how to build a capsule wardrobe I would start with building a Core Capsule Wardrobe and then looking at your lifestyle for what I like to call the statement pieces. For seasonal capsule wardrobes such as fall take a look at The Ultimate Fall Capsule Wardrobe Guide for Women to get started or this simple Winter Capsule Wardrobe or Summer Capsule Wardrobe.
If you’re a professional woman and need help with a work capsule wardrobe, check out the guide linked below which offers a ton of information plus a free downloadable checklist you can save to your phone.
If you like wardrobe tips like these make sure to join the newsletter where you’ll get exclusive 5 minute content straight into your inbox every Thursday.

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