An Easy Lemon Tonic Recipe for Busy Professionals

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This simple yet effective lemon tonic recipe I sampled from Lydia Elise Millen’s blog is a refreshing morning pick-me-up so you can elevate your morning and have your best day!

As a young professional, feeling my best is super important so I can not only get my work done, but also be able to do everything else I want throughout the day. Dinner plans, errands, or whatever else is in the calendar.

I tweaked the recipe a bit and added honey for sweetness and turmeric for inflammation reduction and to satisfy my personal taste, but you can add or subtract whatever you wish.

Lydia makes a big batch of the tonic weekly but you can make it when you feel you need an immune system boost. Staying healthy is important and little treats like this are a simple way to incorporate wellness into your everyday.

lemon tonic

Easy Lemon Tonic Recipe with Ginger

My lemon tonic recipe is a bit less tart, a little more sweet, and helps reduce inflammation. If you’re prone to swelling around your joints like I am this ingredient is a gentle, natural addition that is so simple you’ll wonder why you never use it.

Also, its essentially tasteless in food and drinks but provides a rich, vibrant colour which is a nice added bonus.

  • 1 cup of water
  • 3 tablespoons of ginger
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 2 teaspoons of turmeric

Add water & the juice of one lemon to a boil, reduce & add turmeric and ginger. Let sit for 45 min- 1 hour depending on your preference of intensity.

Again, this recipe can be tweaked according to your taste but use the above recipe as a base and go from there.

Lemon Tonic & Incorporating Wellness Into Your Daily Life

Making a lemon ginger tonic is a small step towards incorporating wellness into your daily life, no matter what your day looks like add a bit of self care to your routine to get the most out of your mind and body.

If you work from home this tonic is a nice start to your day because you can sip on it and enjoy it slowly before having your morning coffee, this gives a bit of a boost to your digestive system and kicks your organs into gear after a night of rest.

If you need productivity tips while working from home check out these 5 Working From Home tips this is actually one of my top rated blog posts, because of how actionable each tip is.

lemon tonic

Making Wellness Simple

When adding new rituals or practices into your life, the most effective way to stay consistent is by making sure they are a sustainable addition to your life. I know a lot of changes in life are difficult, but natural wellness shouldn’t be.

It’s not like quitting smoking, it’s simply trying new things or incorporating new things that are good for you into your life, that you already like- for the most part. Most people like lemon & ginger and if you don’t- just add more of one ingredient to overpower the taste of the other.

The best part about this lemon tonic is how simple the ingredients are, you can make it using what you likely already have. Most people have lemon & ginger in their fridge and if you don’t it’s very easy and affordable to get.

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