Working from Home: 5 Tips

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I’ve rounded up 5 tips for working from home while you practice social distancing. These tips are no bull, zero fluff practical tips that have helped me since working from home a few months ago. With the spread of the novel corona virus being somewhat isolated will help flatten the curve, COVID-19 is no joke and we all have a responsibility to be active agents in stopping it. This week has been challenging and difficult for people all over the world, in every industry, and at any age. No one knows exactly what to do but social distancing seems to be the proper practice at this point in time, so while you navigate this new normal and work from home make a conscious effort to not stray from your normal routine.

working from home

1.Don’t get too Comfortable

It’s incredibly tempting to wear your pyjamas, and curl up under a warm blanket with tea while you work. But honestly, this cozy situation is a recipe for sleepy lethargic behaviour. You start to become slower at finishing tasks, you can’t seem to think as quickly and efficiently, and before you know it the day is over and you’ve gotten less tasks completed. I know the couch seems like the ideal place to spend an afternoon, but I can promise you it’s not. Being too comfortable in any situation is not good, don’t let it happen while you work from home.

2.Make Time to Go Outside

When working from home, make time to go outside. No matter what the season is, no matter what the weather is doing that day. If it means standing on your porch, balcony, or in front fo your apartment building for 5 minutes just do it. This one gets talked about a lot, taking breaks is important as are breaks at the office but taking them outside really elevates your mood. Fresh air and sunshine for 10-15 minutes can help clear your mind, creating better quality ideas. Creativity peaks as well when you shut off your brain and take in your surroundings if only for a few moments.

3.Create Boundaries With Other Housemates.

Whether its a parent, friend, sibling, or pet make sure they are aware of your schedule and the times in which you need zero distractions. If you carve out a specific time period to really crack down and get in the zone let them know that is a do-not-disturb time block. It’s also nice to schedule out a time for lunch or coffee, if you need a bit of social time make sure to take it with your housemate to discuss your day so you don’t feel too isolated. It’ a nice welcomed moment to let someone else know what you’re working on, what’s currently frustrating you, and what your daily wins are. I’ve had days where I had a great win and no one to tell, those can be discouraging so try and avoid them as much as possible.

4.Get up Earlier.

It’s tempting to wake up at the last minute, throw on something comfortable and make the 30 second commute to your desk. But if you add a tiny bit of effort (ie. a bit of makeup, a bra, and proper clothing) I promise it will make all the difference. If you wake up earlier you have more time to set intentions for the day, enjoy a slow peaceful morning, and perhaps accomplish a few small tasks before you start your work day. Starting off on the right foot creates a foundation for a happy, successful day. If you roll out of bed and head to your at home office it will take you an hour to fully wake up, so that first hour will be a write off. Start your work day ready to go by getting past that sleepy phase before 9am.

5.Block Social Media.

Shut down and get to work. Social media is a huge distractor when you have the ability to log in whenever you want. There are plenty of free apps you can install on your desktop, or mobile device that allows you to work without being able to log in. If your job requires you use social media, log out of your personal accounts and block them while you still work through your respective social media channels. You can also set daily limits and receive a notification when your time is up. Some apps such as Offtime allow you to separate work and play, and event block text message notifications. It comes with a small fee for IOS but is free for Android. Depending on how often you work from home, paying a small monthly fee for a blocker app could be worth its weight in gold in terms of productivity.

Just Google social media blocker for a variety of options.

Those are my 5 tips for working from home for the foreseeable future. I hope you’re all staying safe and take this time as an opportunity to hone in on other areas of your life you’re otherwise too busy to. These coming weeks and months will be challenging, but we can all get through it. Also, remember to be kind and help out those who need it. It might take an ask so don’t wait around for someone to ask for help. We are all in this together.

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