Beat winter blues using these Simple Tips

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Simple remedies to beat the WINTER BLUES! These are the only tips you’ll need on how to beat the winter blues this year because they are actionable and straight forward, zero fluff. Its February which means its dark and cold, and no one really feels like doing much of anything. Instead, we tend to curl up inside like hermits and relax- which is totally fine, but it also means it’s the perfect time to reflect and create small habits to help our mental state during these gloomy days.


Tips on how to beat the winter blues

  1. Create a space you find comfort in
  2. Exercise
  3. Declutter
  4. Give yourself time to not be okay
  5. Eat well

Create a space you find comfort in, whether that’s a small space in your home or by adding a few items to your office desk these small changes help! I like to add a beautiful blanket to my couch to help me feel cozy after a long day.

Exercise. This is the last thing most people want to do but trust me, even just 15-20 minutes makes a HUGE difference to your mind.

Declutter to beat the winter blues. Excess stuff is a huge attributor to making us feel sad, and overwhelmed. Less choice, and mess will make you feel a lot less stressed out.

Give yourself time to not be okay. If you need a week off social endeavours or an hour to yourself for a bubble bath every night, that’s your choice and you should 100% do it.

Eat well to beat the winter blues from the inside out. When it gets cold out we always want to eat comfort food, but try to eat at least one healthy item each day, it will help make you feel like you still have control.


Our mental health is so fragile and so important, making small changes to your already existing routine can make a huge difference. Adding in a little something extra like a blanket to your couch time means you’re making time and effort into yourself, which will really help in the long run.

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