How to Nail Outfit Planning For Your Work Week

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It’s inevitable, waking up in the morning not knowing what to wear to work happens. That’s why outfit planning on Sunday so you’re ready to go for the week is necessary. Here’s how to do it.

Outfit Planning Apps

Sorry! This post isn’t about using an outfit planning app, who has money for that anyways? I’m putting this here first so you don’t waste your time scrolling the rest of this post. I’ve never used an outfit planning app so I won’t recommend any. But honestly, you don’t need to pay for an app, the steps below outline how easy it really is. No app is ever really free.

Outfit Planning: How to Plan Your Outfits

  1. Take a look at what your week looks like. What do you have planned? Are there any events you have to attend? Dinners or lunches? How formal or casual do you need to be? Are you working from home at all? Do you have meetings or will you be working at your desk all day? This step rules out a lot of outfit options from the start.
  2. From there, map out each day. Look at the weather and how warm or cool you need to dress. Of course the weather changes but you’ll get a general idea of what items to pull from your closet.
  3. At this point you might have some outfit ideas in mind. Maybe there’s a dress you really want to wear this week or a new sweater that makes you feel excited to put on. Match those must wear items up with the day of the week that suits it best according to step 1 and 2.
  4. Make space in your closet or use a separate rack to hang everything up, this way you can visualize what each outfit will look like. Organize from left to right, left being Monday, middle being Wednesday and right being Friday. You get the idea.
  5. Start building out each day by first placing your must wear items from step 3 into the corresponding space/day. Finish off the outfit by adding the missing pieces, if it’s a dress you’re good to go, if it’s a sweater add a bottom in the form of pants, a skirt, or a great pair of shorts. Shoes are always last, I have a set amount of shoes I rotate each week that I leave by the front door. It’s not hard to make this final decision once you’re fully dressed.
outfit planning

Work Wardrobe Essentials List

If you’re looking for a work wardrobe essentials list to hep you get started, check out this guide where you can download the list straight to your phone, save it to Pinterest, or bookmark it for later.

Work Capsule Wardrobe

For a thorough dive into work capsule wardrobes check out this post for all the details. Capsule wardrobes, or small collections of your favourites are really helpful when it comes to outfit planning, having less options is a blessing.

If you love wardrobe tips like this be sure to sign up for the newsletter so you’ll get style tips and recommendations straight into your inbox every Thursday.

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  1. 11.6.23
    Blanks said:

    Great tips! I always follow your tips. They are so perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  2. 10.16.23
    Magdalene said:

    I literally just followed this tips above. Thanks for sharing