New Relationship Advice After Being Single For Awhile

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Being single is easy. You have no one to answer to, no commitments to make, and all of your time is your own. But what happens when you get into a new relationship after being single for awhile? Or even single for a short while? It can be difficult to navigate feelings, expectations, and life in general when making the transition and having someone actually IN your life. If you’re like me, a fiercely independent and content while single kind of gal, I hope this new relationship advice post gives you clarity in a world where the transition from single to relationship seems so fluid is romantic- newsflash it’s not.

New Relationship Advice- 5 Tips

We’re rounding this new relationship advice up into 5 tips that are actionable and realistic. So here we go!

new relationship advice

New Relationship Advice- Make Time For Your Friends

When you’re single your friends are basically your whole life, these are key people in your world for a reason and you never want to neglect them. Of course a new relationship takes up time and you want to respect that but you also want to respect your friends who have been there all along, those non- romantic relationships are more important than you think.

Keep Your Hobbies

It might be tempting to spend all of your time in your new relationship and less time on your hobbies, after all it’s a lot easier to make time for hobbies when you’re single and you literally have more free time. Hobbies are like food for your soul, they help with your mental health and well being so make sure to prioritize them. Period.

Carve Out Alone Time

Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you should never be alone. Alone time is essential to unwind, take time for yourself and reconnect with yourself. After all the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. So make sure to carve out alone time either every day, a few days a week, or a few days a month. Whatever works best for you. I know for me personally I like one night alone every week to just decompress and connect with myself again. It’s a big part of my mental happiness and makes me a better partner in the long run.

New Relationship Advice- Set Boundaries

A lot of couples have their own set of rules and boundaries and that’s totally okay, but don’t let someone come into your life more than you want them to. This can mean anything from them stop by your house anytime they want, to them having access to your friends. Whatever it means to you boundaries are important so you can keep your independence and move at a pace that’s right for you. For me personally I don’t like financial sharing so I try and keep that information to a minimum. Things might change in the future but for now that’s what works for me. Again, it’s whatever works for you!

Spend Time With Your Family

When it comes to new relationship advice this one is a new discovery for me, family helps to ground you and keep your values in place. I know for me family time always helps me appreciate the people around me, and my relationship. There’s nothing better than supportive people around you and family is just that.

That’s it for my 5 tips for new relationship advice after being single for awhile. I hope this gave you some clarity, let me know in the comments which tip resonates with you the most.

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