27 Powerful Self Love Affirmations for Single Women

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Don’t every forget that you are worthy. Here is a list of 27 powerful self love affirmations for single women to repeat to themselves morning, evening, noon and night.

Statistically, women are staying single for longer and later in life than ever before. Instead ambitious women are deciding to work towards other areas of their lives and reach career, personal, and financial goals before settling in.

According to Statistica there are 8.48 million single women in Canada. 19% of women aged 30-49 in the USA are single and there are 26.6 million people on dating apps in the USA! What does this tell you?

These statistics can help us feel less alone when we look around and see so many others in a relationship, but what it really comes down to is some good old fashioned self love. Self love has been a tremendous buzz word for awhile now, but what it boils down to really is learning to appreciate ourselves and seeing our inner beauty. This helps us propel in life, move forward, and ultimately gain inner peace and acceptance.

With all that said, if you are a single woman in need of a little self love here are a few self love affirmations you can say to yourself in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, and whenever the heck you want to because you deserve to!

RELATED: Being Single in your 30’s and Challenging the Narrative

What Are Affirmations?

Self love affirmations are words of encouragement, inspiration and truth that when said out-loud help change how we feel about ourselves. They speak to our inner selves and the more affirmations are practiced the greater your belief in them will grow.

So when stereotypes and assumptions about single women are repeatedly reinforced time and time again such as the ridiculous idea that single women aren’t happy, single women begin to believe it. Repetition does wonders both good and bad. Affirmations can help reframe how we see ourselves, and how we feel about being a single woman.

RELATED: Are Single Women Happier? Questions Single Women Get Asked

So enjoy this thoughtfully curated list and while you read through make sure to take note of the ones that speak to you, you’ll see why later on.

27 Self Love Affirmations for Single Women

  1. I am enough, even when I’m alone
  2. I am worthy of acceptance
  3. What other’s think of me is a reflection of them not of me
  4. I am strong and independent
  5. I go after what I want and there is no set timeline for my accomplishments
  6. Being single does not make me less than
  7. I do not owe anyone an explanation for my life path
  8. My friends and family are my incredible support system
  9. I am blessed beyond measure
  10. Being in a relationship does not equal happiness
  11. I am choosing to nourish my health
  12. Where I am in life is beautiful and exactly where I need to be
  13. Success is in the eyes of the beholder
  14. Life is beautiful
  15. My life is full of endless opportunities and I am free to chose
  16. I have freedom
  17. I answer to no one but myself
  18. Being in my own company is fulfilling and important
  19. The most important relationship is the one I have with myself
  20. I do not need anyone else to feel worthy
  21. I love my own company, it is enough
  22. Dabbling in new and creative pursuits is right at my fingertips
  23. There is so much I love about myself
  24. I am a sexual being with desires I can still fulfill
  25. Every day I am growing and flourishing
  26. I have overcome challenge and hardship in my life
  27. I am always working towards better

How to Practice Self Love Affirmations

Now you’re probably wondering okay well some of these affirmations spoke to me, some didn’t, and some were just BANG ON. But now what? What to I do with them and how do I incorporate them into my life so they actually make a difference?

You’re not wrong in being unsure of how to practice self love and how to include affirmations into your everyday. There is no set standard for this practice as everyone is different, personally I sway towards affirmations that speak to me at that particular time. For example, #12,#7, and #21 currently speak to me and where I am in my life therefore I will repeat these in the morning and the evening. If by chance I feel differently in the coming months I will switch them up. Test this out and adjust according to how you feel.

Self love and the practice of self love affirmations are customized to your needs. Don’t feel like there’s a certain way you have to say them and remember it takes time, it will feel uncomfortable at first and that’s okay.

I hope you use these self love affirmations as a tool in your self love journey, whether you’re single for a season or for longer. If you’re looking for quotes on being single and powerful check out that post as well!

RELATED: 19 Powerful Quotes on Being Single

self love affirmations

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  1. 6.2.21
    Nina said:

    Loved reading this post. Affirmations really help when I am feeing low and trying to be motivated.

    • 6.3.21
      emmairenecavanagh said:

      Thank you for reading Nina, I’m glad you found them helpful!